Education in Industry 4.0 and Technology Seminar

The great revolution in technology will profoundly affect our way of education, among the generations and living in the world. What should we expect? How can we clear the uncertainty and the fog perpetrated by this great transformation? How can we benefit from the value and advantages of this technology in education? What are the suggestions that parents can use to make their children prepare for the future, and make their lives easier?

VR Master Founder and CEO, serial entrepreneur Ali Hantal answered these questions and more in the “Education in Industry 4.0 and Technology” seminar, that took place at Flora Campus on Tuesday, August 14th at 18:30.

The seminar program touched base with subjects:

* A Quick Look at Industry 4.0: Technological developments taking place in many areas at the same time and a brief description of the forthcoming 4. industrial revolution
* Reality Technologies: Their place in education world and their values

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