Istanbul Provincial Director of National Education, Mr. Levent Yazıcı handed a plaque to Mr. Hantal.

XR Masters CEO Ali C. Hantal ‘s “Metaverse Awareness Training Session” was attended by more than 1000 high school directors and  teachers from Istanbul. The session was organized Istanbul Provincial Directorate of National Education Technology Academy (Which operates under Turkish Ministry of National Education). After the session, Istanbul Provincial Director of National Education, Mr. Levent Yazıcı handed a Turkish Porcelain as a gift to Mr. Hantal.

XR Masters CEO’su Ali C. Hantal’in eğitmen olarak katıldigi, İstanbul İl Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü Teknoloji Akademisi’nin organize ettigi “Metaverse Farkındalık Eğitimi”ne 1000’den fazla lise yöneticisi ve öğretmeni katıldı. Başarılı etkinlik sonrasında, İstanbul İl Milli Eğitim Müdürü Sn.Levent Yazıcı, Ali Hantal’a hediye takdim etti.

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